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Ultimate Grammar and Writing Curriculum Bundle for Grades 1-5


Ready to save LOTS of time? This ULTIMATE grammar and writing curriculum for grades 1-5 has everything you need to teach writing this year! This research-based curriculum covers all of the language and writing standards for grades 1-5 and uses the writing workshop model for instruction. You’ll be amazed at the transformation you see in your students’ writing!


Ready to save LOTS of time? This ULTIMATE grammar and writing curriculum for grades 1-5 has everything you need to teach writing this year! This research-based curriculum covers all of the language and writing standards for grades 1-5 and uses the writing workshop model for instruction. You’ll be amazed at the transformation you see in your students’ writing!



  • You want simple and explicit grammar and writing lessons with all the materials you need for an entire year.
  • You want to see your students grow into independent and confident writers, significantly improving their writing skills.



  • Entirely research-based, ensuring effective teaching strategies.
  • Lessons are simple and explicit, providing the scaffolding students need.
  • Incorporates the writing workshop approach and 6 traits of writing.
  • Grammar skills are taught in the context of writing through mentor sentences and other authentic writing activities.
  • Aligned with Common Core State Standards.
  • Everything you need to teach grammar and writing is included and ready to use!



This ultimate bundle includes the following two bundles. Click the links for a more detailed description of each.

  • ULTIMATE Grammar Curriculum for Grades 1-5
    Includes a full year of authentic grammar lessons built off of Jeff Anderson’s research-based routine in Patterns of Power. Grammar skills are taught through daily 10-minute mini-lessons prior to writing workshop.
  • ULTIMATEWriting Workshop Curriculum for Grades 1-5
    Includes a full year of writing workshop lessons and covers personal narrative, realistic fiction, informational, and opinion writing. Each daily lesson includes a mini-lesson, writing time, and sharing time.



  • Grammar Mini-lesson (10 minutes): Each lesson begins with a brief grammar mini-lesson that focuses on teaching grammar in the context of writing through the use of mentor sentences and other authentic writing activities.
  • Mini-lesson and Modeling (10-15 minutes): Following the grammar mini-lesson is a writing mini-lesson where students are taught a writing strategy using mentor texts and posters. Then, the teacher models the writing strategy in their own writing.
  • Writing Time (15-30 minutes): Students apply the strategy from the mini-lesson to their own writing.
  • Sharing Time (5 minutes): Students share a piece of their writing from the day with a partner or the class.



Does this bundle look a little overwhelming to you? Here are some simple steps to take once you download the bundle. You can find more detailed instructions in the “Teacher Directions” Bonus file download.

Directions for Teaching Grammar:

  1. Look at your “Grammar Scope and Sequence” resource. Choose a grammar skill to teach for the week.
  2. Compile all of the materials needed for each day of the 5-day lesson for that skill. (The “Teacher Directions” Bonus file provides a list of daily materials.)
  3. Read the “Lesson Plan” on pages 9-15 of the “Grammar Instructional Google Slides & Grammar Lesson Plan” resource for specific directions on how to teach the 5-day grammar lesson.


Directions for Teaching Writing:

  1. Choose a writing unit to teach. Review the lessons and objectives in the “Scope & Sequence” section on page 13 of the unit download.
  2. Read the “Materials” section of your weekly lesson plans. Compile all of the necessary materials for each day.
  3. Read the lesson plans for specific directions on how to teach the daily writing lessons.






© Jen Goasdone, ELA Skill Builder 2023

Permission to copy for single classroom use only. Please purchase additional licenses if you intend to share this product.


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